Thursday, 26 October 2017

le jeudi, 26 octobre, 2017

  1. November Scholastics went home today. Please return by Wednesday, Nov. 1st.
  2. Prodigy Math - Today we learned how to use the computers. How to sign in, find Mme Potter's blog and use the side bar links. One of the links we looked at in particular was Prodigy math. Each student has a log-in and a paper log-in went home today. Parents can link to their child's account to see their progress.
  3. Radio Canada - was another site the student enjoyed looking at as they can watch shows in French at their level and interest.
  4. Hope to see you tonight at the Ball.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

le jeudi, 12 octobre, 2017

  1. School photos are Monday, Oct. 16th for grade K-4
  2. Tomorrow is Rider Day - wear your gear!
  3. A lunchroom and other forms were sent home today. Please have a look at the pages and return them as soon as possible.
  4. Scholastics accepted until Tuesday, Oct. 17th
  5. Today we learned about three ways animals help disperse seeds. We also learned about titles, sub-titles and text features (like photos). Ask your child if they remember the 3 ways animals disperse seeds.