Monday, 23 January 2017

le lundi, 23 janvier, 2017

  1. Today we learned about the 4 oceans and 7 continents. Ask your child what they remember. Also, ask them if they remember the "magic" line that divides the earth.
  2. Today we had a presentation about the zones of regulation, how we feel. Ask them if they remember the 4 zones. (blue- tired, sad or sick; green - calm, happy, ready to learn; yellow- excited, scared, silly; red - angry, frustrated.)
  3. We are practicing subtraction with two and three digit numbers. Any practice at home makes school work easier.
  4. Massey School colours day (gold and navy) Wednesday.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Le jeudi, 5 janvier, 2017

  • Welcome back!! Great first day!
  • Tomorrow and every Friday in January is PJ day. Wear your pjs tomorrow.